Episode-126: Talking Spirits with the Advanced Shochu Academy 2024
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As sake continues to gain popularity around the world, shochu is next in line. In August 2024, the Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association (JSS) held its inaugural week-long Advanced Shochu Academy in Kagoshima. The event was designed to educate professionals in the global beverage industry about shochu.
The 12 participants came from diverse backgrounds—educators, importers, and consultants from seven different countries. Miho Ota seized the opportunity to interview them, gaining insights into shochu's presence in their respective countries and exploring what draws them to the spirit. She organized three impromptu sessions focused on the European, Asian, and Brazilian markets, highlighting both the similarities and differences within and across these regions.
One small note: As we we recorded this on the fly, the recording quality was less than ideal. But the conversations provided valuable insights into shochu’s current standing and potential for promotion in global markets, so we hope you will give it a listen. We deeply appreciate the participants' time and expertise, especially after their long days of intensive lectures.
Thanks to:
Adrian Goh (Singapore)
IG: @apgoh / @Interriceasia
Facebook: Adrian Goh
Website: www.theartofsake.com
Chris Yang (Taiwan)
Instagram: @hockeybabytw
Facebook: Chris Yang
Company website: www.kurisake.com
Ding Liu (China)
Instagram: @dingliu91
Xiaohongshu: Fish swimming in wine (account number 1055966437)
Elvira Aldaz (Spain)
Instagram: @maldaz
Facebook: Elvira Aldaz Mezcua
Linkedin: @elviraaldaz
Fabio Ota (Brazil)
Instagram and Facebook: @megasake
Online shop: www.megasake.com.br
Fall Huang (China/Malaysia)
Instagram: @fall.huang
Facebook: Fall Huang
Francesco Braun (UK/Italy)
Instagram: @just_imbiber
Facebook: Francesco Braun
Sam Boulton (UK)
Instagram: @boultononbooze
Website: www.kokushu.info
Sean Ou (Singapore)
Instagram and Facebook: @thebeverageclique
LinkedIn: @the-beverage-clique
YouTube: @thebeveragecliquetv782
Spotify Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/7vtPuXog1hsfRIzpi6IPI5?si=af256f4a07094b55
Academy Website: https://thebeverageclique.com/
Tony Yip (France)
Instagram: @food_drinks_culture
Facebook: @TonyMTYip
As always, if you have questions or comments please do share them with us at questions@sakeonair.com or head over to our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook we would love to hear from you!
We’ll be back very soon with plenty more Sake On Air.
Until then, kampai! This episode has been made possible with the generous support of the Japan Sake & Shochu Makers Association. Sake on Air was created by Potts-K Productions and is produced by Export Japan. Our team is Justin Potts, Miho Ota, Cindy Bissig, Sebastien Lemoine, John Gauntner, Chris Hughes, Rebekah Wilson-Lye, Marie Nagata, Christopher Pelegrini, Arline Lyons, Shuso Imada, and Frank Walter. Our theme, “Younger Today Than Tomorrow” was composed by forSomethingNew for Sake On Air.
For more information about the Honkaku Shochu & Awamori EXPERIENCE: www.jfn.co.jp/lp/experience2024/ (Japanese Only)