Episode-31: Aroma & Sake
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What exactly is the scent of sake?
For our final episode of 2019, Chris Hughes, Rebekah Wilson-Lye, and Sebastie Lemoine gather to discuss the nature and role of aroma in sake. Seeing as how the smells that we experience impart so much influence on our perception of taste and our associated memories, this is a topic that arguably carries as much weight as any in the dialogue of sake.
From personal experiences to systematic judging, a bit of the science of sake to the evolution of aroma in relation to production, this week’s discussion ventures far and wide in attempt to unravel the influence of smell on our perception of sake. That being said, we’ve still only scratched the surface. There exists a plethora of angles we’ve still yet to explore, which means that you can be sure we’ll be back to expand upon this particular topic again in the future.
In what turned out to be a rather discussion-heavy episode, there are a lot of tasty tidbits interwoven throughout the show from beginning up until the very end. Engaged listening is highly encouraged this week!
In addition, we also need to express a special ‘Thanks’ to all of our listeners that have supported us throughout our first year of Sake On Air, having seen us all the way through to the end of 2019. Thanks to all of your excitement and support for the show, every month our listener base grows in countries spanning the globe, resulting in more opportunities to share the wonderful world of sake and shochu with a passionate and sake-curious population. We have a lot planned for 2020. We can’t wait to bring you along for the ride.
If you feel like Sake On Air contributed just a little something to your enjoyment of sake and shochu this past year, please do take a moment to review and rate us on Apple Podcasts (or whatever service you listen on). If you feel like giving back to the Sake On Air team in some way, that’s unquestionably the best way to do it.
Keep sending us your questions and comments about the show to questions@sakeonair.staba.jp, and be sure to continue following us at @sakeonair on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also listen on our official YouTube channel.
Happy New Year everyone! Thank you so much for your patience as we worked out what went wrong with the audio of the first version of this episode.
Sake On Air is made possible with the generous support of the Japan Sake & Shochu Makers Association and is broadcast from the Japan Sake & Shochu Information Center in Tokyo. The show is a co-production between Export Japan and Potts.K Productions, with audio production by Frank Walter.
Our theme, “Younger Today Than Tomorrow” is composed by forSomethingNew for Sake On Air.